Monthly Archives: June 2011

GNU PDF, MeeGo conference in San Francisco, new Cinterion plugin for ModemManager…

So, May has ended up being a very very busy month.

After more than 2 months and tons of hours spent in trying not to break the thing (and fixing it when I did break it), I finally finished refactoring the API of the Streams module in GNU PDF in order to use the new error reporting methods. Jose is still reviewing the branch with the changes, so meanwhile I started refactoring the API of the Filesystem module. The Filesystem module is supposed to be just a small layer of abstraction on top of different filesystem backends, but not even the disk backend is fully implemented yet, with some basic pieces still missing. So as part of the API rework, I’ll try to include all missing bits in both the disk and http filesystem backends. Luckily, we got quite a lot of new people coming around the mailing list and providing patches and useful comments for these tasks, so it should be just a matter of time.

Another month hacking ModemManager, working on a new Cinterion plugin. After several changes in the generic code base of the daemon, plugins can now also implement specific features for RS232 modems. The new Cinterion plugin is not available in git master yet, so if you want to give it a try with Cinterion/Siemens USB or RS232 modems, get the following git repo: git:// and checkout the ‘plugin-cinterion’ branch from there.

MeeGo Conference 2011
Lanedo GmbH was one of the sponsors of the MeeGo Conference 2011 in San Francisco, so I had the opportunity to visit the US(of)A again. And I was not the only Spanish guy around: Luis de Bethencourt (Collabora), Iago del Toral (Igalia) and Quim Gil (Nokia) where also in the conference. With Nokia focusing on “that Harmattan thing” as some call it, Intel seems to be the one pushing MeeGo forward (even if not all decisions taken are shared by everyone). It is nice to see that the world didn’t end neither on February 11th (Elopocalypse) nor on May 21st (The Judgment Day, which now seems postponed until October) 🙂

Oh, I also turned 30 this past month… I keep on trying to forget it.